FCAMU - Fort Collins Art Meetups

Join in the Fort Collins Art Scene at the 3 Square Art Center!

FCAMU is Where the Arts Connect in Fort Collins

Join the FCAMU (Fort Collins Art Meetups) + Potluck
Next Meetup:
Friday, February 28 from 4-6pm
3 Square Art Center, 2415 Donella Ct, Ste 110

Are you an artist? Are you an art lover? Have an interest in the Fort Collins Art Scene? Why not join like-minded artists and art lovers and see what’s happening in the Fort Collins art scene. We will be meeting every 5-6 weeks for discussions, art critiques, lectures, informational programs, potlucks and fun!

All are welcome!

Let us know if you can come by filling out the following form. Be sure to indicate how many people will be joining you. Art meetups are fun and educational. Feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions or topic ideas for the meetups!

All members of the community are welcome. Come if you are a local artist, teacher, student of art, or just interested in the art scene in Fort Collins and meeting up with fellow artists and art lovers.

We hope to see you there!

Next Meetups Topics

Scott Ruthven

Special guest and accomplished artist and teacher Scott Ruthven will be presenting his his artwork, techniques, and experiences from his work and work travels as a professional landscape artist. 4:00 to 5:30pm

Potluck + Updates from the Fort Collins Art Community

Enjoy food and drink!
5:30 - 6:00pm


Let us know you are coming!