Artist Calls for Entry
Artist Calls for Entry and Artist Exhibition Opportunities at 3 Square Art
Our prestigious juried competitions attract artist from around the world. They are open to all artists and various of mediums, styles, and sizes are welcome. The selected finalist are required to exhibit their selected original artwork. Cash awards and winner certificates are available based on the exhibition.
Select a Call for Entry below to submit an entry
Learn more about an open Call or Entry by selecting one of the Calls below. If you have any questions or need to contact us, please call or text 970-388-1969 or email us at submissions@3squareart.com. Thanks and hope to see your entry!
Submission Agreement
Submission Images
3 Square Art Gallery accepts only digital images/files by email for consideration. The Gallery will retain the submitted images of accepted artwork and reserves the right to use the images in publications and gallery publicity. Beyond such use, the artist retains full copyright of exhibited work.
We will not accept any artwork for replacement of submitted artwork after the deadline and jurying process has started.
Agreement to Participate
Submitting the entry form indicates that you agree with the conditions of entry and exhibit as outlined in the prospectus of each exhibit that you agree to make your selected artwork available and that you will ship/deliver it to the gallery should it be selected artwork for exhibit.
Accepted artworks may not be substituted and prices may not be changed once submitted for jurying.
Beyond our limited liability coverage for theft or natural disaster, it is the artist's responsibility to carry additional insurance for any of their works sent for exhibition.
Artwork Availability
Please do not double-book your artwork, do not commit it for other conflicting exhibits or sell it without possibility of exhibition availability if you plan on entering your work into our show. Only submit artworks for jurying that are available for exhibition.
Rights of Refusal
3 Square Art reserves the right to refuse artwork(s) that are not professionally presented or that do not resemble original submissions. The accepted artwork(s) arrived after the artwork due date may not be included in the exhibit. Refused entries or submissions are not eligible for refunds.
Accepted Artwork: Sales & Insurance
If you are accepted for this exhibit and sell your accepted artwork prior to the show, we recommend that you please sell it with the condition that it will be available for this exhibit. If that condition is not possible, please do not enter that artwork for a show. The Entry fee is non-refundable.
All works submitted for this exhibit must be available for the show dates
We will not exhibit substitutions.
Artwork prices may not be changed once submitted for jurying
3 Square Art’s standard Gallery Commission is 40%
The utmost care will be taken in handling all artworks. 3 Square Art DOES maintain gallery insurance for artwork on display and in our care during the period of the exhibition. This insurance is to cover loss or damage to the artwork due to fire, theft, vandalism, handling, or other unforeseen event up to a maximum price of the Artist Price minus any agreed maximum discounts or the cost of any repairs required. 3 Square Art does not carry insurance for shipping to and from the Gallery which is the sole responsibility of the Artist.
Entry Fee
The Entry fee is non-refundable
Artist may submit up to 5 images
$43/entry fee for up to 3 images plus $7 for each additional image. $43 for 1-3 images, $50 for 4 images, and $57 for 5 images.
This is a juried exhibit and your submissions will either be accepted or rejected by the judge(s). Payment does not guarantee entry into the exhibit.
Note: The Entry fee is non-refundable, when submitted artwork(s) is/are rejected by our juror(s) or artist withdraw accepted artwork form the exhibition. Also, 3 Square Art reserves the right to refuse artwork(s) that are accepted but not professionally presented or that do not resemble original submissions or artwork(s) arrived after the artwork due date. Refused entries or submissions are not eligible for refunds.
Delivery and Return of Artwork
All work accepted for the exhibition must arrive ready to install. Works not gallery-ready, or not exhibiting good craftsmanship, may be omitted from the exhibit. Accepted work that differs significantly from the entry images or suffers from poor presentation, will be disqualified. Please note that professional-level presentation and craftsmanship is a must. Work may be hand delivered or shipped. Shipped works must be sent in an easily reusable container/packaging with return shipping prepaid. Works will be returned in the same manner as delivered or via UPS/FedEx. All work must arrive at 3 Square Art by the artwork due date. Accepted work will remain on display for the duration of the exhibition. Works not claimed within 30 days of the end of the exhibit will become the property of 3 Square Art. The artists are responsible for all shipping costs to and from the gallery.
Artists are responsible for round-trip shipping & insurance of artworks (if required). 3 Square Art is not responsible for artwork damaged or lost during shipping. All shipments must include a prepaid UPS or FedEx return label. Parcel packaging must be suitable to re-use for return shipping. Absolutely no packing peanuts!
A $25 handling fee in addition to the shipping cost will be applied to works to be returned without a pre-paid shipping label.
Please DO NOT enter/submit your artwork for jurying if you are not able to follow through with the rules of entry/exhibit guidelines. Do not double-book your work, commit it to other conflicting exhibitions, or sell it without securing its availability for our exhibit, after submitting to this exhibit.
Delivery/Shipment of Artwork
Any accepted artwork arrived after artwork due date will not be included in the exhibition in the gallery and will be disqualified from the final round for selecting awards.
Only accepted artwork will be included in the exhibition. We will not accept any artwork for replacement of accepted artwork.
Notification will be announced by listing the finalists on our website. Each artist will not receive an individual notification email.
All of the finalist will be notified within 2 weeks after the Deadline for the Call for Entry is closed by email with a welcome letter and a gallery agreement. Finalists will be listed on our website and announced on our SNS pages and other promotional outlets.
Acceptance of Terms
By sending 3 Square Art your Artwork and Loan Agreement, you acknowledge full acceptance of these terms.
Jurying Process
All eligible entries will be judged in two consecutive rounds as follows:
First Round
The First Round selects about 40-60 artwork by 3SA Jury Members.
The first round criteria are:
Theme Performance
Artistic technique
Handling of medium
Overall impression/impact
Second Round
The Second Round selects Finalists about 30-40 artworks by 3SA Curator based on the scores from the first round and how hit in the entire exhibition. All artwork from the finalists will be installed in the gallery exhibition and all finalists are invited to participate for the gallery opening reception at the 3 Square Art Gallery. All finalists’ artwork except NFS will be listed for online sales and promotion through our networks.
Third Round (Final Round)
A Third Round of judgement is perform for selecting the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards and 2-4 Honorable Mentions. Once all Artwork from the Finalists have been installed in the Exhibition, the 3SA Jury Members will review each piece in the installed setting to select the final award winners. At the beginning 10-12 pieces are nominated by the Jurors for awards and from this group, each piece is individually evaluated and graded by assigning points by each juror as follows:
Theme Performance - 10 points
Overall impression/impact - 10 points
Quality - 5 points
Artistic Technique - 5 points
Composition - 5 points
Originality - 5 points
Edginess & Creativity (expanding ideas and challenging the viewer) - 5 points
Craftsmanship (presentation of artwork including framing) - 5 points
MAXIMUM POINTS = 50 points